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Unlock Your Voice Vol. II: Mantles, Mandates and Motherhood
If you're a KINGDOM MOM, VISIONARY, CREATIVE & MARKETPLACE MINISTER, it takes us great pleasure to invite you on this journey with us.
Join our VIP Waitlist and be the first to get your hands on the International Multi-Author Book featuring six Kingdom women from across the globe, at a SPECIAL LAUNCH PRICE PLUS BONUSES for a limited time! 

The book consists of three pillars: ministry, entrepreneurship and motherhood.

We value your support to make our dream a reality and get our book on LAUNCH DAY IN MARCH to rank as a #1 New Release so that we can share this timely message with the world.
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Unlock Your Voice Vol. I: Breakthrough Stories of Kingdom Women Who Are Called To
Impact the Marketplace
"Are you called to make a Kingdom impact? Has fear kept you in hiding and muted your voice?

Unlock Your Voice is a compilation of powerful stories with expert Kingdom strategies from twelve courageous women from across the globe, who have been called to impact the marketplace. This international multi-author book imparts foundational biblical truths and invites leaders to partner with God financially, emotionally, spiritually and relationally. You will encounter women who have suffered the loss of a spouse; devastating illnesses; financial hardship; and yet tell miraculous stories of how God met them and how they overcame these setbacks.

"This collection of voices serves as a transformational tool to receive your breakthrough from faulty thinking, grief, trauma, approval addictions, identity crisis, unhealed soul wounds, shame and overcoming narcissistic relationships.”

Cultivate the gifts inside of you as you unlock your anointing, so that you can get aligned with your God-given assignment in the marketplace!"

More Books

Unmasking Purpose: A Guide to Overcoming Addiction and Discovering Purpose
Just Say No: 14 Transformational Stories of Setting Healthy Boundaries in Business and Relationships
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